khmer protocols

version:0.8 (beta, unreleased)

This is a set of protocols for doing genomic data analysis – specifically, de novo mRNAseq assembly and de novo metagenome assembly – in the cloud.

The latest released version of these protocols is v0.8; please use the following URL in citations and discussions:

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Have you used these protocols in a scientific publication? We’ll have citation instructions up soon.


khmer-protocols development has largely been supported by AFRI Competitive Grant no. 2010-65205-20361 from the USDA NIFA, and Award Number R25HG006243 from the National Institutes of Health, both to C. Titus Brown. We now have continuing support from the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01HG007513, also to C. Titus Brown.

CTB’s work on the Eel Pond mRNAseq tutorial was enabled by his 2013 summer research work at the Marine Biological Laboratory, funded by the Burr and Susie Steinbach Award and the Laura and Arthur Colwin Endowed Summer Research Fellowship Fund


LICENSE: This documentation and all textual/graphic site content is licensed under the Creative Commons - 0 License (CC0) -- fork @ github.
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The Eel Pond mRNAseq Tutorial

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